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Ding Dong the Witch is Dead

Does it seem to you like the world has been hijacked? Nations were going along seemingly fine, and then boom 2020 hits and all of the sudden these globalist tyrants have emerged out of no-where and seem to be calling the shots. Maybe they have always been there and I just haven't noticed. But they certainly seem to be more prominent. What strikes me about them is their age. Many of them are either in or approaching their 90's and yet they are speaking as though this life is all there is and they will live forever here on the earth. These globalists are promising peace in a "New World Order" but really they seek to limit freedom, oppress humanity while destroying nationalistic pride. I believe they carry an anti-Christ agenda and are enemies of God. Their vision of the future is far too myopic if you ask me. They are focused on Agenda 2030, when they really should be thinking about a much longer future, a forever kind of future if you will. Because the Bible teaches that the enemies of the cross of Christ are “headed for destruction. Their god is their appetite, they brag about shameful things, and they think only about this life here on earth. (Philippians 3)” They should have thought beyond the grave because in a short while, not to be too graphic, but their bodies will be decomposing and their spirit man will be on their knees in guttural travail…

What is guttural travail?

Jesus described hell as a place of "weeping and wailing and gnashing of teeth." (Luke 13:28.) The wailing is guttural travail. I remember the first time I ever heard guttural travail. I was performing a very tragic funeral. I was with the family when they saw their daughter's body for the first time… and I wasn’t expecting it but my knees shook, every cell in me came to attention as I heard sounds come out of a family, particularly the mother, that you simply cannot explain. The only thing that kind of compares is when you hear a lion roar up close and you are shocked by how powerful and dangerous it is. Guttural travail is so pitiful because it's filled with finality, regret, remorse,'s just horrible. Yet that is the future that awaits the enemies of God. A guttural travail, as they drop to their knees in the light of the glory and holiness of the majestic God man…King Jesus Christ, the judge of the living and the dead…and they will be forced to say, "Oh my, Jesus Christ is Lord! Jesus Christ alone is Lord! Why oh why did I waste my short little life living for me? Why didn’t I live every second, every breath for you oh King? Doing your bidding, shining your light, serving people?" And then they will be cast away into utter darkness where they will be tormented for all eternity, the last image burned into their minds is the beauty of the face of Jesus.

Proverbs 24:19-20 says, "Don’t fret because of evil doers…For they have no future; the light of the wicked will be snuffed out.”

Now it’s important when that happens not to gloat. I am guilty of that. A few years ago when I first learned about the death of a prominent leader, who was anti-Christ in all her positions and rulings, I sang "Ding dong the witch is dead, the witch is dead." And I had to repent, because verse 17 commands, “Don’t rejoice when your enemies fall; don;’t be happy when they stumble. For the Lord will be displeased with you and will turn his anger away from them.”

So when you hear rumors and threats about how bad life on earth is going to get, we need to press past the short term future and look to the long term. Because in the end Jesus wins! And it has been said, "When you know the end of the story, you are not overly concerned by the development of the plot." Now, notice I say “Overly concerned;” it’s not that there shouldn’t be some concern when threats of war, and pestilence, plagues, pandemics and famine are seemingly at our door step. But remember what the apostle Paul said about the most horrid of human conditions…he called them, "light and momentary compared to the coming glory that far surpasses them all!" (2 Corinthians 4)

So don’t let your hearts be troubled, trust in God, trust in Jesus. Because in the Father’s house there are many rooms, and our King is also our quartermaster because He has gone to prepare a place for us. No more worries, no more fears, tears, or regrets, no more jealousy, envy. The Bible says, "The Righteous will rest in peace! (Isaiah 57:2)"

During World War 2 the American preacher Lester Sumrall went to visit the great British revivalist Smith Wigglesworth. Lester was troubled by the cover of the London Times that day about Nazi advancements. When Smith answered the door he greeted Lester but told him that paper must stay outside. He forbade the propaganda and reports of the world to enter his home and then he said, "besides Hitler will be burning in hell soon and I don’t want his image in this home."

Wise words for today. Be careful little ears what you hear, be careful little eyes what you see. “God says, I will break the strength of the wicked, but I will increase the power of the Godly.” Psalm 75:10

Pray this with me. Father, in Jesus name, as you are breaking the strength of these God haters who have hijacked the world would you strengthen the power, the back bone and the resolve of your remnant people. Holy Spirit Come!

Cameron McDonald


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