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Voice in the Wilderness Story

The SILENCE is deafening today. Those who stand for God’s truth are shouted at to sit down and be quiet! But we won’t be silent … we cannot be. The stakes are too high! Our calling is to help you find your voice, to inspire you to proclaim God’s truth no matter the cost, and to

challenge you to shine a light in the encroaching darkness.




We believe that, “The world and its desires are passing away, but the man or woman who does the will of God will live forever” (1 John 2:17). Maybe you have heard the popular cry of today’s woke ideology imploring you to, “Be on the right side of history.” Well, we believe “That all men are like grass and all their glory is like the flowers of the field, the grass withers and the flowers fade but the word of the Lord stands forever.” (1 Peter 1:24-25). In light of that truth, the ideology of today is fleeting. Today’s fad is tomorrow’s laughing-stock. Therefore, our aim is not history but ETERNITY. That is where we challenge you to set your sights. 




Before the recent craziness broke out across the earth, it broke out in our personal life. Through false accusations we were bullied into silence, becoming among the first to be canceled and have our voice hushed. This platform was birthed through that fire and formed in the crucible of excruciating pain. There we discovered our life’s destiny. One summer night in 2018 amidst the aftermath of the fallout, I could not sleep and arose at 3:00 a.m. to seek God. I cried out to the Lord on my knees, asking Him to reveal what was happening and what He was doing inside of me. In desperation I grabbed my Bible and said, “Father, I believe this is Your Word, and I am going to open it, trusting that wherever it randomly lands is your answer for what You are doing in my life.” After flipping through, of all places it opened to these exact words “And to you I prophesy, my little son…”  While this passage from Luke 1 was the priest Zachariah speaking over his newborn son of promise, John the Baptist, it was like the Lord was speaking it over me and showing me our calling to go before Him as a voice crying out in the wilderness, preparing hearts to make straight the path of the Lord. At that time, I had no idea what a wilderness the world was about to become. I couldn’t fathom that in a few short years it would sink into a desolate landscape of  depravity, injustice and political woke-ness espousing antiChrist ideology from every cultural corner of the earth. I was familiar with the vitriolic attack that had come against my voice, but I had no clue it was about to come against ALL VOICES of truth. 




I believe the eyes of the Lord are roaming throughout the earth looking for all those who, like John the Baptist, refuse to back down and cower in the face of immense adversity, unafraid to speak truth to power because they aren’t living for this world alone. Instead they are living for a Kingdom whose builder and maker is God. We dream of training up a generation of men and women who are zealous for the things of God and are willing to stand up to a crooked and perverse generation and say, “REPENT! For the Kingdom of God is at hand!”  The Scripture commands to speak God’s truth “In season and OUT of season” (2 Timothy 4:2). There was a time in America when the Gospel was popular and voices of truth were celebrated. Not so anymore. It is definitely “out of season” to stand up for righteousness. Will you be one who backs down, or will you use your one and only VOICE to cry out in the wilderness, “Make Straight the Way of the LORD?!”​

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