Have you been seeing all the strange stories coming out of Miami, Florida? Apparently, on New Year’s Day there were a lot of strange happenings at the Bayside Mall that don’t add up. The official narrative is that at the mall there were groups of teenagers fighting with sticks and shooting off fireworks. But according to video footage and reports on the ground there were stranger things afoot. From the videos it looked like EVERY police officer in Miami responded to the call, seems like over-kill for teenagers with sticks. But on top of that, there were reports that the power was cut within a several block radius, flights in and out of Miami were grounded, police scanners were cut from the air waves and officers were forbidden to talk about what actually happened. In addition to that there were allegedly more than 50 separate calls into authorities of, GET THIS, 8 to 10 feet creatures roaming throughout the mall that so terrified the customers that it created a panic as people ran for their lives!
What are we supposed to make of this? Do we believe the official cover story of “Nothing to see here?” Or should we listen to the salacious rumors that are flying? Well, one thing we can all agree on is that these are indeed strange times we are living in. Now you might be thinking, “Cameron, surely you don’t believe Space Aliens were at the mall on New Year’s Day?” Well, you will be relieved to know that I don’t believe in Space Aliens. (Sigh of relief!) I actually believe that space aliens are really demonic beings that have been unleashed on the earth (Gasp!)
Before you throw heretical stones at me, examine what the Bible says, in Ephesians 2, the Apostle Paul refers to the devil as the “Prince of the Air.” The Greek word for “air” is “cosmos.” What we would think of as the sky or even further out, space even. So, strange beings seen in the sky do not alarm me, I actually think it's Biblical, they are just demonic entities. The Bible predicts that strange occurrences on the earth and in the heavenlies will happen in increasing fashion the closer we get to the glorious appearing of the Son of Man. I have preached for years that heaven and earth don’t play well together! Every prophet that the Father sent was lambasted, persecuted or even killed. The gospel is that God Himself, stepped down from His throne, wrapped Himself in flesh and became a man, and what did mankind do to Him? Hung Him on a cross! The Bible says, “He was in the world, and though the world was made through him, the world did not recognize him. He came to that which was his own, but his own did not receive him.” John 1:10-11. And later in John it says why, "This is the verdict: Light has come into the world, but people loved darkness instead of light because their deeds were evil.” John 3:19.
Have you ever gone down into a dark basement and flipped the light on and seen bugs or maybe even mice scurry? As we get closer to the appearing of Jesus, the light is increasing, and the bugs are coming out from everywhere! Corruption is being exposed in droves, the conspiracy theories from yesterday are the court documented facts of today! But it's not just corruption that’s being exposed I believe demonic entities are coming out of the woodwork too. Remember Jesus said, “As it was in the days of Noah so shall it be at the coming of the son of man.” Matthew 24:37 What were the days of Noah like? One needs to look no further than Genesis 6, it says that corruption abounded, evil was the primary inclination of the human heart, and violence was everywhere. On top of that there is a strange passage about hybrid beings, fallen angels impregnated human women creating what was called “Nephelium.” They were there in the days of Noah and I believe they could be making a reappearance now.
Tucker Carlson was recently interviewed and asked what was the scariest story he was afraid to report, he said, "UFO’s, they are actually spiritual and its so dark that I am too afraid to even talk to my wife about it.” Just search for yourself on YouTube, “Tucker Carlson UFOS” the interview was from late December 2023. The fact of the matter is there are weird, spiritual things happening that we have only seen in movies in the past (which may have actually been predictive programming to prepare us for this time that we are in.) The Book of Revelation prophesied the unleashing of strange creatures on the earth that were permitted to torment people, even some spirits that were evidently held in prison under the Euphrates river until it dries up (See Revelation 9). Could we be seeing this playing out in real time? Maybe.
If so, I plead with you...do not lose heart! Though the mountains give way and fall into the heart of the sea, we will not be shaken. Remember, we were born for a time like this. AW Tozer said, “A frightened world needs a fearless church.” God could have had us born at any time in history, we could have lived a mundane life, riding a plow behind an ox in the Middle Ages somewhere, why are you alive now? In a time of corruption being exposed and strange reports from the skies and even shopping malls?!? It’s because God chose you according to Acts 17:26 for this moment in time to shine a light and to be an integral part of His end time army. In the words of Travis Tritt, “It’s a great day to be alive!” So don’t be afraid; be prayerful, watchful, even helpful to a confused and panic-stricken world. You have good news to share, “The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.” (John 1:5)